News & Articles

Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick!

January 21, 2024
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Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick! Ahhh… THE NEW YEAR! We begin the year with inspiration, motivation, and the best of intentions. We feel stubborn and resilient. Nothing’s going to stand in our way!  This is the year we’re going to stick with _________________ (enter goal here).   TOP RESOLUTIONS – > Quit Smoking –…

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The Tools We Build

January 18, 2024
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Imagine you’re on an adventure and you’re walking through a deep, lush forest.  You’ve got a backpack with basic necessities – a first aid kit, rope, a hatchet, a lighter, and a tarp.  It’s early summer.  You’ve been walking through the woods, and you come to a wide, slow-moving river.  You need to get across…

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Thoughts on Personal Passion, Growth, and Community Building

January 10, 2024
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I’m going to make an assumption, based on my experience (so please correct me if I’m wrong), that we all have something in our lives that rings as true today as it did when we were younger – a happy place, a favorite activity, a favorite or meaningful song, a compulsion or habit, or perhaps…

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