Spiritual Sunday: Embracing the Challenge of Loving the Unlovable

Spiritual Sunday: Embracing the Challenge of Loving the Unlovable

In the journey of personal and spiritual growth, one of the most profound challenges we encounter is the task of loving those who are difficult to love. It’s easy to love those who are kind, agreeable, and whose interests align closely with our own. They recharge our “love battery” and make us feel good about ourselves. But does this really measure our capacity to love?

Understanding Love Beyond Comfort

The real litmus test of love is how we treat those who are not easy to love. This includes individuals who may not reciprocate our feelings, who may challenge our patience, or simply those whose presence we find uncomfortable or irksome. Reflecting on the biblical teachings, “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?” and “Love thine enemies,” we find a deeper calling. This isn’t about heroics but a humble recognition that loving widely and indiscriminately is a higher calling that many of us struggle to answer.

Love as a Choice

Philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas simplifies love to its essence: “love is willing the good of the other”. This definition liberates love from the confines of mutual exchange. It’s not about what we receive in return; it’s about what we choose to give. This kind of love can manifest in numerous settings — a rude sales clerk, a socially awkward peer, or a stranger in distress. Each presents an opportunity to choose kindness over judgment.

The Virtues of a Difficult Love

When we choose to love someone difficult, we engage in a profound act of humility. We put aside our pride and extend forgiveness, patience, understanding, and mercy. These are not just virtues but pathways that deepen our own capacity to love and enrich our souls.

Reflecting Inward

It’s also crucial to turn the mirror on ourselves. Are we, perhaps, the difficult ones to love in someone else’s story? Recognizing this possibility opens us up to extend and receive grace more fully.


This Sunday, and every day, let’s challenge ourselves to extend love to those who might seem the least deserving. By doing so, we not only grow in love but also in spirit and character. Let us be the ones who love not just with ease but with courage.


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