What’s-On-The-Menu Wednesday: A Delightful Twist on Homemade Crepes

Breakfast has always held a special place in my heart, and I firmly believe it can be enjoyed at any meal of the day. Growing up in a Franco-American household, breakfast wasn’t just a meal; it was a celebration. The aroma of crepes, dripping with brown sugar and Log Cabin syrup, filled the air, creating memories that have lasted a lifetime.

Now that I’m older and more conscious about what I eat, I’ve developed a new way to enjoy crepes that are not only healthier but also incredibly satisfying. Today, I’m excited to share my beloved recipe for Homemade Crepes. These crepes are a testament to the joy of eating well and savoring every bite.

Homemade Crepes Recipe:


  • 3 Tbsp farm-fresh butter (unsalted), plus a little extra for the pan
  • 1 cup organic flour
  • 1/8 tsp Himalayan salt
  • 3/4 cup whole milk (room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup water (room temperature)
  • 2 large farm-fresh eggs
  • 1.5 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Start by melting the butter and letting it cool for about 5 minutes. Once cooled, combine the melted butter with the rest of the ingredients in a blender, or whisk thoroughly by hand for several minutes until well mixed. Cover the mixture and chill it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, although I prefer to let it sit overnight for the best results.
  2. When ready to cook, heat an 8″ skillet over medium-high heat. Use a bit of extra butter to glaze the pan, ensuring that the edges of the crepes turn out slightly crisp. Pour a small amount of batter (I find that 1/4 cup works perfectly) into the center of the pan and twirl it to spread the batter thinly and evenly.
  3. Cook the crepe until the edges start to dry and lift slightly from the pan, then flip to cook the other side. Repeat this process for each crepe, adding a bit of butter to the pan between each one to maintain that perfect crisp edge. The batter can be stored in the refrigerator for another day if you don’t use it all at once.

Serving Suggestions:

This picture showcases my favorite way to serve these crepes: filled with a homemade sugar-free lemon mousse, topped with a vibrant array of fresh fruit, and lightly sprinkled with powdered Monkfruit. However, the beauty of crepes lies in their versatility. You can fill them with anything your heart desires—be it farm-fresh butter and pure maple syrup for a classic touch, or any other filling that brings you joy.

A Journey Through Taste and Tradition

This recipe is more than just a method of making crepes; it’s a journey through taste and tradition. It’s a way to connect with my roots while embracing a healthier lifestyle. Each bite is a reminder of my childhood and a celebration of the choices I make today.

I hope you find as much joy in making and eating these crepes as I do. Whether you’re reminiscing about the past or creating new memories, may your day be as fulfilling and delicious as this plate of crepes.

Bon appétit! 🌸


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