Easy 3-Ingredient No-Knead Bread: A Simple Delight


Welcome to another What’s-On-The-Menu Wednesday! This week, we’re diving into the simplicity and satisfaction of homemade bread with an easy 3-ingredient no-knead recipe. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a complete novice, this recipe is foolproof and sure to impress. Not only is it healthier, lacking preservatives and unnecessary additives, but it’s also a wallet-friendly option compared to store-bought alternatives. And the best part? It tastes absolutely delicious.


To get started, you will need the following pantry staples:

  • Flour: 3 cups (I recommend organic bread flour for the best results, but all-purpose flour will also do the trick.)
  • Active Dry Yeast: 2 teaspoons
  • Salt: 1.5 teaspoons (Pink Himalayan salt adds a nice touch, but any salt works.)
  • Warm Water: 1.5 cups (Make sure it’s about 105°F; too hot and you might kill the yeast!)
  • Dutch Oven: A 2.75 quart Dutch oven is perfect for baking this bread.


Here’s how to make your own delicious no-knead bread:

  1. Mix Your Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast, and salt. Stir these dry ingredients together to ensure they are well mixed.
  2. Add Water and Form the Dough: Pour in the warm water and mix until a shaggy dough forms. It should eventually form a rough ball.
  3. First Rise: Cover the bowl with plastic wrap (lightly sprayed with cooking spray to prevent sticking) and a damp tea towel. Let the dough sit at room temperature for 18-24 hours. This long rise is crucial for developing flavors and texture.
  4. Preheat and Prepare: About an hour before you’re ready to bake, place your Dutch oven in the oven and preheat to 450°F. This step ensures your pot is scorching hot and ready to bake.
  5. Shape the Dough: On a well-floured surface, gently shape the dough into a ball. Remember, it will be quite sticky and floppy – that’s normal!
  6. Bake: Carefully remove the hot Dutch oven from your oven, place the dough inside, cover it, and bake for 30 minutes. Then, remove the lid and continue baking for another 15 minutes until the bread is golden brown.
  7. Cool and Serve: Remove the bread from the Dutch oven and let it cool on a rack. For best results, try to wait at least an hour before slicing to allow the interior to set properly.

Tips and Tricks

  • Doubling Up: You can easily double this recipe. Just use a 5-6 quart Dutch oven to accommodate the larger amount of dough.
  • Variations: Feel free to add herbs, garlic, or seeds to the dough before the first rise for a flavorful twist.


This easy 3-ingredient no-knead bread is more than just a recipe; it’s a gateway to the joys of baking. It’s perfect for busy schedules or those seeking a simple, satisfying baking project. Once you try it, you’ll find yourself returning to this recipe again and again. Happy baking, and enjoy the wonderful aroma and taste of fresh bread from your own kitchen!


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