Fitness Friday: Strengthening Your Mindset and Building Resilience

Whether they are physical, mental, or emotional, we all face stressors every day.


There are times when digging deep and powering through is appropriate, and there are other times when it’s more important to rest and recover.  Whether you push on or whether you take a break depends on the situation.


Do you have a fast-approaching deadline and rest is not an option?   Or do you have some time available to you?


Is the challenge fueling you or draining you?


Are you engaged and in the moment or is your brain trying desperately to escape the task?


If you’re exercising, are you risking injury by compromising good form?  Or even though it’s difficult, can you do ONE more rep or 10 more seconds?


Build your self-awareness by listening to your body and honoring those messages.


Define Your Pain.


Good pain is mild and temporary.  It stretches us out of our comfort zones and contributes to growth.  We gain strength, skills, knowledge, and adaptation.


Bad pain is sharp and severe.  It persists or gets worse as we continue.  It creates limitations or impairment.


Challenge yourself, but listen to yourself and trust your instincts.


As always, building a routine around regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and hydration are the keys to health and resilience.  Give yourself the fuel to keep a strong body and healthy mind.


We’re here to support you on your journey, so if you want some extra support let us know!


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