Life Coaching

Thankful Thursday: Discovering the Hidden Virtues of Dandelions

By Tina Charest | May 23, 2024

Celebrating the Underappreciated Beauty of Weeds: A Closer Look at Dandelions Embracing the Unexpected In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” This sentiment rings especially true for one of the most commonly misjudg ed plants in our gardens—the dandelion. While often dismissed…

Embracing Self-Care: Why Loving Yourself is Essential to Loving Others

By Tina Charest | May 18, 2024

Embracing Self-Care: Why Loving Yourself is Essential to Loving Others In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, where does one draw the line between caring for others and caring for oneself? The answer to this question might not be straightforward, but it’s a crucial one to explore if we aim to sustainably offer love and…

Thankful Thursday: A Heartfelt Appreciation for Our School Heroes

By Tina Charest | May 9, 2024

Thankful Thursday:  A Heartfelt Appreciation for Our School Heroes As the end of the school year fast approaches, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey our children take through their education. It’s easy to think of school as a place where knowledge is imparted, but it is so much more than that. From pre-school…


Perspective; The Benefits of Reframing

By Daniel Emery | May 2, 2024

I like to reframe things.  Reframing is the act of adjusting how situations, experiences, events, ideas or emotions are viewed.  This might mean allowing myself to feel positive about making a small amount of progress when my intention was to make a large amount of progress.  Or allowing myself to take a break from being…

Spiritual Sunday: Embracing the Challenge of Loving the Unlovable

By Tina Charest | April 14, 2024

Spiritual Sunday: Embracing the Challenge of Loving the Unlovable In the journey of personal and spiritual growth, one of the most profound challenges we encounter is the task of loving those who are difficult to love. It’s easy to love those who are kind, agreeable, and whose interests align closely with our own. They recharge…

Unleashing the Mind: How Reading Can Transform Your Mental Fitness

By Tina Charest | April 12, 2024

Unleashing the Mind: How Reading Can Transform Your Mental Fitness Welcome to Fitness Friday! In the realm of self-improvement, physical fitness often steals the spotlight. But what about our mental fitness? This Fitness Friday, we’re diving into an activity that’s just as crucial for our brains as exercise is for our bodies: reading. Whether you’re…

Give yourself a financial boost! Try the 30-Day Receipt Challenge.

By Daniel Emery | March 31, 2024

We’ve all done it…  making impulse purchases like candy in the grocery store checkout line, a detour into the fast food drive thru, browsing on Amazon, or making a purchase in a mobile app or game.  They may seem insignificant in the moment, but all those small purchases add up. According to a 2023 survey…

Transformation Tuesday: Be Humble, Not A Grumble

By Tina Charest | March 26, 2024

Transformation Tuesday:  Be Humble, Not A Grumble When someone says, “Hey, how are you doing?”, we can go through the list of things we are experiencing in our lives, and typically, we go to something that’s off, something that’s wrong, something that’s negative. So much so, that often times we don’t even realize we are…

Embracing JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out

By Tina Charest | March 25, 2024

Embracing JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out In a world that never sleeps, where notifications never cease, and the constant comparison on social media platforms is the norm, the fear of missing out—or FOMO—has become a pervasive part of our lives. But there’s an antidote to this relentless pressure to stay connected and tuned in:…

What’s-On-The-Menu Wednesday: Embracing the Meal Prepping Lifestyle 🍽️✨

By Tina Charest | March 20, 2024

Embracing Meal Prepping: A Guide to Transforming Your Kitchen into a Hub of Health and Happiness Welcome to What’s-On-The-Menu Wednesday! Today, we’re not focusing on a single recipe. Instead, let’s talk about a lifestyle choice that’s transforming kitchens around the world: Meal Prepping. Once you discover its myriad benefits, it’s likely to become more than…